Pratt–Romney family

Obama’s jobs bill, GOP debate make active week

Global Politics

A Senate vote on the Obama jobs bill. Yet another Republican presidential primary. And the Occupy Wall Street folks may be running out of time.

GOP candidates ‘pile on Perry’ at the Tea Party debate

Global Politics

Source of video that led to Romney’s 47 percent problem comes forward

Global Politics

Voting underway across the country as Americans choose between Romney, Obama

Global Politics

Viral video mashups play prominent role in campaign cycle

Global Politics

Obama’s deportation deferral program provides legal status, no healthcare

Global Politics

President Barack Obama generated positive feelings with much of the Latino community this summer when he announced a deferred deportation program for young, undocumented immigrants. But as the program is implemented, there’s a hole. Those same youths are still ineligible for healthcare coverage under the Healthcare Reform Act.

Latino Mormons’ history intertwined with Romney family

Global Politics

Mitt Romney often talks about his heritage in Mexico, and his faith in the Mormon Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a complicated history in Mexico — it’s growing rapidly today, but more than 100 years ago it was a place Mormons went to avoid a prohibition on polygamy.

Romney vows to increase trade relations with Latin America

Global Politics

In their debates, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have clashed repeatedly over the economy. In the final debate, Romney vowed to focus on Latin America, an area where he said Obama hasn’t engaged — but is that even possible?

VIDEO: Another GOP senatorial candidates gets in trouble over comment about rape, abortion

Global Politics

Richard Mourdock, the Republican running for U.S. Senate from Indiana, infuriated many Tuesday night when, during a debate, he said that “when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” The comments have put Mourdock and even Presidential candidate Mitt Romney back on the defensive, especially with women.

Politicians focused on clean energy jobs, but not climate benefits of being green


Politicians of all stripes are clamoring to lay out how they’d support continued growth in green energy jobs. But when it comes to talking about green jobs, politicians are focused mostly on the jobs part and less on the green.