
The World

Can Prairie Dogs Save Mexico’s Prairie From the Desert?

Prairie dogs once numbered in the billions across the prairies of the West and Mexico. Today there is a fraction of the original population left but activists are working to bring back the prairie dogs and possibly the prairie along with them.

Prairie dogs could be saviors of Mexico’s former prairies


The Super-Rich Look to Cultivate the Serengeti of Montana

The World

Can Prairie Dogs Save Mexico’s Prairie From the Desert?

The World


The World

Of Prairie Dogs

To many people in the west, Prairie dogs are abundant pests which ranchers, developers and public land managers try to kill off. The pudgy short-tailed cousin of the squirrel lives in networks of burrows called prairie dog towns, and alongside highways. But, the perception of the prairie dog is increasingly at odds with reality. As […]

Wes Jackson: Prairie Revolutionary

Steve Curwood talks with prairie and agriculture expert Wes Jackson about his recent book Becoming Native to This Place published by Counterpoint Press. Nature doesn’t grow her plants in rows, and this leading agricultural thinker says that to get better long-term results, farmers shouldn’t plant them that way either. Jackson is the founder of the […]

Home on the Range

A new refuge in Montana recreates the prairie of the old wild west and will be home to genetically pure bison.

The World

Farm Subsidies

Commentator Richard Manning says that the key to both preserving the West’s grassland prairies and maintaining economic prosperity is simple. Bring back the bison.

The World

Farm Bill

Washington lawmakers are writing the next Farm Bill. Anna Solomon-Greenbaum travels to South Dakota to see what’s at stake for the people and the prairie.