Physical exercise

London residents take a stroll in Hyde Park on an autumn day. A new study showed that taking walks in a park setting may be much more beneficial than a similar walk on a crowded city street.

When it comes to walking in a park or down a city street, a study finds not all exercise is created equal


It’s always been said that a long walk is good for you, but a new study shows the importance of where you take that walk can play when it comes to health benefits.

The Secret Behind Finland’s Super Smart School Kids? Recess.

Lifestyle & Belief

Extended periods of sitting can present major health risks, study finds

Health & Medicine

Sitting too much can be deadly

Health & Medicine

Does Finding Purpose Have Health Benefits?

Chemicals That Promote Obesity Down the Generations

We usually think of diet and exercise as the key factors to obesity, but new research has found that exposure to certain chemicals called obesogens can echo down through at least three generations to promote obesity.

“Sloth Map”: Inactivity Study Tracks Global Patterns & Risks

Geo Quiz

A new study finds levels of physical activity roughly track patterns of development–people in higher income countries are the least active.

The World

Health Note/Music & Exercise

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on how music may help people exercise.

The World

Department A/Health Note

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on new research into how lazy muscles can turn into well-trained ones, without exercise.

Health Update

Living On Earth’s Diane Toomey reports that exercise can keep your blood vessels looking half their age.