
Fruits and vegetables are often wrapped in plastics containing chemicals harmful to human health

A new study highlights the urgent need to regulate phthalates in plastic

Health & Medicine

A new meta-study correlates phthalates in plastics with numerous health disorders, including obesity, male and female reproduction problems and mental health troubles.

Household chemicals

A new book advises parents about how to cope with a world awash in toxic chemicals


EPA scraps proposed chemical safety rules

The World

Phthalates in Plastics

The World

Toxic Car Interiors


New research shows a class of chemicals found in pesticides, paints, and other common household items could have adverse effects on the reproductive development of human male babies.

Pthalates in Blood

Janet Raloff, senior editor of Science News, speaks with host Steve Curwood about the latest research on phthalates. These chemicals found in plastics and solvents are being blamed for a number of hormonal disorders in women and children.