Phase-out of incandescent light bulbs

A life-size cardboard cutout photo of Japanese scientist Hiroshi Amano, a professor at Nagoya University, is surrounded by his laboratory staff members as they raise hands and shout "Banzai", or "Cheers."

The blue LED just won the Nobel Prize, but we’ve been reaping its benefits for years


The Nobel Prize for Physics went to three scientists who developed blue LEDs, or light emitting diodes. That may sound a little down-to-earth, but blue LEDs basically make energy-efficient LED lights possible, and they’ve already delivered huge savings and environmental benefits.

Shedding light on the light bulbs debate


New energy standards for light bulbs


A Bright Idea?

Broken Bulb Dreams

The World

Bright Ideas on Energy Efficiency

Negotiations between environmentalists and the lighting industry could end use of the wasteful incandescent light bulb- saving billions in electricity costs and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.