
A nurse uses a stethoscope to listen for heart problems

Women with heart disease in sub-Saharan Africa face fertility risks and social stigma as their greatest challenges

Health & Medicine

Some women admit they would rather have HIV than heart disease because at least it wouldn’t interfere with fertility and family planning. They often go through high-risk pregnancies and other health complications due to pressures from their communities to have children at all cost.

Stolling outdoors

Getting outside is a prescription for better health

A girl receives anti-measles vaccination drops in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Mass national vaccination campaigns against measles and polio are common in much of the developing world.

A Nigerian writer mocks US disease concern, saying that Africa should screen Americans for measles


Bioethicist says parents who don’t vaccinate should face liability for consequences

Health & Medicine

Breakthrough discovery for cystic fibrosis treatment

Health & Medicine

A new kind of baby incubator

A sleeping-bag-like incubator, the Embrace, was created to help save low-birth-weight or premature babies.

Measles Epidemic in Britain Follows Years of Vaccine Refusals

A few years ago, parents in the UK were alarmed by stories of possible adverse side-effects from the MMR vaccination. Vaccination rates plummeted. Now a measles epidemic has sickened hundreds.

Pediatrics Group Wants Stronger Chemical Restrictions

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that chemical-management policies have to be revised to better protect children, pregnant women, and the elderly.  Dr. Jerome Paulson is the incoming chair of the Council on Environmental Health for the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the lead author of new guidelines issued today.

Pesticide Review

The Environmental Protection Agency is currently reviewing the use of a pesticide called B. cepacia, that can be fatal to people with Cystic Fibrosis. Dr. John LiPuma, a professor of pediatrics at MCP/Hanneman University, joins host Steve Curwood to talk about the risks B. cepacia poses and the chemical’s use in the agriculture industry.

The World

The Secret Life of Lead

Scientists are testing meconium, babies’ first stools, to try to assess how much lead transfers from pregnant mothers to their fetuses. Cynthia Graber reports this latest installment of the Living on Earth series, “The Secret Life of Lead.”