
The World

The NYPD’s efforts to reach out to the muslim community since 9/11

In the months after 9/11, New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly reached out to the city’s Muslim population. Reporter Bob Hennelly explains how that strategy has worked and what those relationships have meant during the current controversy.

New Yorkers trying to save lower Manhattan’s history as Little Syria

Global Politics
The World

Saving New York’s ‘Little Syria’

Arts, Culture & Media

Muslim Religious Leader on Bin Laden’s Death

New York Imam on Bin Laden’s death

Lifestyle & Belief

Al Jazeera on Reporting the American Muslim Radicalization Hearings

Global Politics

The House Committee on Homeland Security is scheduled to hold a hearing on American Muslim radicalization. To better understand how the hearing is being both covered and perceived in Muslim countries, we hear from Abderrahim Foukara of Al Jazeera.

Debate Over Congressional Hearing on Muslim Radicalization

Lifestyle & Belief

This week, the House Homeland Security Committee will hold a hearing on what they are calling the radicalization of American Muslims. We talk with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder and chairman of the Cordoba Initiative.

The World

Listeners respond: muslim center near Ground Zero

Arts, Culture & Media

Yesterday New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Committee effectively greenlighted the proposed Muslim Center two blocks from Ground Zero. Listeners on both sides of the issue responded to the building of the Cordoba Center in downtown Manhattan.