Pan Am Flight 103

A police officer is shown walking on a grassy meadow with the wreckage of a large white aircraft in the background.

Justice Dept. charges bombmaker in 1988 Pan Am explosion


The US Justice Department has announced new charges against a Libyan bombmaker in the 1988 explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, an attack that killed 259 people in the air and 11 on the ground.

Lockerbie Bomber Dies at 60

Libya’s foreign minister defects to Britain

Global Politics

As Libya’s Foreign Minister Defects, New Questions Arise About Lockerbie Bombing

Global Politics

Libya’s Foreign Minister, Moussa Koussa Defects, A Good Sign?

Global Politics
The World

Libyan Reactions to Lockerbie Bomber’s Return

Conflict & Justice

Lockerbie bomber Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi was recently freed from a Scottish prison to return home to Libya. What has the reaction been in Libya to his return? The Takeaway talks to Rana Jawad, the North Africa correspondent for the BBC.

The World

International Reaction to Release of Lockerbie Bomber

Conflict & Justice

The BBC’s Glen Campbell joins The Takeaway with Scottish reaction to the impending release of convicted bomber Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. We also talk to The New York Times’ Alan Cowell about the American opposition to al-Megrahi’s release.

The World

‘Compassionate Release’ for Lockerbie Bomber

Global Politics

A Scottish judge will release convicted plane bomber Abdel Baset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi from prison today on compassionate grounds, due to his terminal prostate cancer. The Takeaway is joined by Susan Cohen, whose daughter Theodora died in the bombing.

The World

Old Wounds: 1988 Lockerbie Bomber May Be Released

Conflict & Justice

Convicted airline bomber Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, now suffering from terminal cancer, is expected to be released from his life sentence on compassionate grounds. The Takeaway speaks with Susan Cohen, mother of 20-year old victim Theodora Cohen.

The World

Wikileaks documents on the Lockerbie case

Conflict & Justice

The WikiLeaks release includes cables that provide new details on how and why the convicted Lockerbie bomber was released from prison last year and allowed to return home to Libya. The World’s Jason Margolis has more.