Palestine Liberation Organization

Palestinian Americans wary of statehood bid

Palestinians in the West Bank celebrated the official bid for statehood in the UN. Many Palestinian Americans, however, worry about what statehood would actually mean.

Israel to Palestinians: Only way to statehood is negotiation

Dangers abound for good guys in Syria, and bad guys in Somalia

Global Scan
Iranian President Hassan Rohani

Iran and the US learn how to flirt, diplomatically

Global Politics

United Nations votes to accept Palestine as nonmember observer

Arafat’s body exhumed as inquiry into his death ramps up

Yasser Arafat died some eight years ago, but the investigation into his death only recently turned a surprising corner. On Tuesday, investigators exhumed his body to try and determine if radiation poisoning was behind his death.

Yasser Arafat’s widow asks for French investigation into her husband’s death

In late 2004, Yasser Arafat had the flu. Seventeen days later, he was dead. A recent investigation by Al-Jazeera has many people wondering what really killed the Palestinian leader eight years ago.

Mahmoud Abbas’s newfound popularity

On the heels of Mahmoud Abbas’s dramatic request for Palestinian membership into the United Nations, the leader is riding a wave of popularity.

Food in times of war

Arts, Culture & Media

In conflict areas, food can bring people together, create community, and it can also create battlegrounds for disagreements.

Non-violent resistance in the West Bank

A growing movement among Palestinians in the West Bank advocates non-violent resistance to Israeli occupation.