
A crowd of people rushing in a subway station

What 1 billion Americans would mean for the US


The US has the world’s largest economy, but for how much longer?

A portrait of a Vietnamese couple.

The many misunderstood reasons people don’t have kids


World Population Set to Reach 10 Billion By End of Century

Fears of global population boom overblown, some argue

Development & Education

Women & Population

The World

Greg Stock: Humans 2.0

Global Politics

Biotech entrepreneur Greg Stock tells Kurt Andersen he thinks technology may allow humans to break free of their natural life span. “We are like a dying animal,” he says, “we are stuck to our bodies and yet our minds can soar.”

The World

Greg Stock: Humans 2.0

Health & Medicine

Biotech entrepreneur Greg Stock tells Kurt Andersen he thinks technology may allow humans to break free of their natural life span.

Global Population to Reach Seven Billion


On Monday, there will be seven billion people on the planet. That’s according to the latest estimates by the United Nations Population Fund.

Is Chicken Little Right?

Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford has made a career of warning people that the planet is in peril.

Is Chicken Little Right?

Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford has made a career of warning people that the planet is in peril.