Organic horticulture

Sujitha (right) and her husband Manu (left) stand in the center of the frame in a portrait photograph.

In Kerala, a push for organic food turns professionals into gardeners


Kerala, India, hosts a highly literate workforce and many people choose to work abroad, so the state used to rely on imported food. When doctors and the public started to blame rising cancer rates on chemical pesticides from this imported food, it kickstarted an urgency to go organic.

Green Garden Spot: Simple Seedlings

Saving Your Seeds

Cooling Down the Summer Garden: An Organic Gardening Segment

Designing a Garden: The Green Garden Spot

Organic Gardening With Evelyn Tully Costa: Love Bugs

Steve Curwood speaks with Living on Earth’s resident organic garden expert Evelyn Tully Costa about ways to use insects to your advantage, such as using helpful bugs to get rid of the pesky ones in your garden.

Stardust & Soil: An Organic Garden Segment

Steve Curwood speaks again with Living on Earth’s occasional organic gardening advisor Evelyn Tully Costa, this time about the essence of soil and its properties.

Throwing Away the Spray: Organic Gardening Tips for Listeners

Millions of Americans enjoy their most direct contact with the natural world through the increasingly popular activity of gardening. With this in mind, the “Green Garden Spot” will become a semi-regular feature of Living on Earth with tips from Evelyn Tully Costa. Tully-Costa is a public radio producer, and a professional garden designer. Steve Curwood […]