Ocean acidification

Diver with corals

Transplanting resilient corals may help them survive climate change

Climate Change

Warmer ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and poor water quality combine to make a toxic environment for most corals around the world. But some corals are actually thriving despite these challenges and scientists hope to propagate these resilient corals to give struggling reefs a leg up.


Some former combat divers are now working to restore ocean health


Rising CO2 levels threaten global marine life

The World

In Palau, scientists hope they’ve found a coral reef to save all coral reefs


As ocean gets more acidic, situation is exacerbated in Puget Sound


VIDEO: Research suggests oceans rapidly becoming more acidic


Scientists at Columbia University have concluded that the Earth’s oceans are becoming more acidic at an unprecedented rate — increasing more quickly than in the Earth’s history, based on a review of oceanic fossils. It could bring disaster for marine life.

The World

Tracing the Ocean’s Ingredients


Reporter Ari Daniel Shapiro of our partner program NOVA met up with a French scientist who’s studying the chemistry of seawater for clues to our planet’s future.

Ocean Extinction Trend

Increased atmospheric carbon is causing a “Deadly Trio” in the world’s oceans. The trifecta of global warming, ocean acidification, and deoxygenation has been associated with all 5 major extinction events in paleontological history.

Acid Oceans

As the oceans absorb more CO2 and become more acidic, some fishy things are beginning to happen to marine creatures and ecosystems.