
Birds in Mexico use cigarette butts to keep parasites at bay


Birds nests attract pests and parasites, like mites and lice. In Mexico, some birds have identified a way to keep the pests at bay, by taking discarded cigarette butts and weaving them into their nests. It remains to be seen, though, whether there are negative impacts on the birds as well.

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Health & Medicine

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Health & Medicine

Mexico City Birds Ward off Parasites with Cigarette Butts


‘It’s Not the Addiction that Kills People, It’s the Smoke’

The World

Health Note/Nicotine Vaccines

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on a new vaccine being developed to fight nicotine addiction.

The World

Health Note: Nicotine Metabolization

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a study that has found ethnic differences in the way nicotine is metabolized.

The World

The Willpower Debate: Why Can’t Obama Quit Smoking?

Global Politics

President Obama’s press conference unexpectedly covered his struggle to quit smoking. To help explain how hard it is for some people to break this addiction, The Takeaway turns to Richard Hurt, Director of the Mayo Clinic’s Nicotine Dependence Center.