Neuropsychological assessment

Listeners Weigh In On What Influences Their Family Planning Decisions

This week we’ve been talking about family planning and what influences parents when it comes to having children. We asked you to tell us about your families and what considerations you’ve made about how many kids to have. Today we hear from two of our listeners who have made very difference decisions about their family. […]

The World

Memory is Fiction

Arts, Culture & Media

Making Memories with a Microchip

The World

Saving Memories on a Microchip

Global Politics
The World

Report: Brain Implant Could Restore Memory Loss


Emerging Science Note/Problem-Solving Matters

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on a study that finds the difference between men and women is grey and white, at least when it comes to their brains.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Short-term Memory Box

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on a study that provides a neurological explanation for the old adage “out of sight, out of mind.”

The World

Health Note: Memory Aid

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on how a new technology may one day help older patients remember to take their pills.

The World

Attention! How To Lead A Focus-Driven Life


There is no calculator that can compute our national attention deficit, but it is clear there are too many stimuli competing for our precious brain time. In a world where temptations to twitter and text are 24/7, is there hope for our multi-tasked minds?

The World

This pill will make you smaller, this pill will erase bad memories


Suppose that scientists could erase certain memories by tinkering with a single substance in your brain. Benedict Carey, science writer for The New York Times, joins The Takeaway with a report an experimental drug that helps you forget.