Network neutrality

Pro-net neutrality Internet activists rally in the Los Angeles neighborhood where President Barack Obama attended a fundraiser on July 23, 2014.

The FCC prepares for its historic net neutrality vote


The inventor of the term “net neutrality” says government involvement is key to great Internet service, and the FCC looks set to agree. The regulatory agency will vote next on a plan to make the Internet a public utility, allowing the government to block service providers from creating “fast lanes” for content.

Lori Erlendsson attends a pro-net neutrality Internet activist rally in Los Angeles.

The FCC delivers an Internet declaration of independence

Global Politics

Is the Internet equal around the world?


Brazil’s new Internet ‘Bill of Rights’ aims to protect the country’s privacy

The World

This Week’s Agenda: ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ Repeal, START Agreement, Net Neutrality

Conflict & Justice
The World

Internet giants allegedly fighting net neutrality

Conflict & Justice

In theory, the Internet provides a level playing field for businesses and consumers alike. However, a backdoor deal may be nearing between Google and Verizon, which could give a speed advantage to those websites who are willing to pay more.

The World

Judge says FCC can’t enforce ‘net neutrality’

Conflict & Justice

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled Tuesday that the FCC has no regulating authority over how Comcast or any other internet provider manages its network. This decision landed a severe blow to proponents for net neutrality.