Mohammed Morsi

Deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi greets his lawyers and people from behind bars after his verdict at a court on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt on June 16, 2015.

An Egyptian court has upheld the death sentence for the country’s first elected president, Mohammed Morsi


Mohammed Morsi, one of the leaders of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and the country’s first democratically elected president — is in prison and facing the death penalty. What does that say about Egypt’s future?

In February, 2014, following two weeks of terror attacks in Egypt, including massive car bombs, Anwar drew this cartoon with blood flowing out of a cracked television screen to illustrate the deadly news being delivered in every broadcast. The homeowner i

Two cartoonists in Egypt push the boundaries of what’s acceptable and find a ready audience

In February, 2014, following two weeks of terror attacks in Egypt, including massive car bombs, Anwar drew this cartoon with blood flowing out of a cracked television screen to illustrate the deadly news being delivered in every broadcast. The homeowner i

Two cartoonists in Egypt push the boundaries of what’s acceptable and find a ready audience

Egypt's Mohammed Morsi  and others in court

A defiant Mohammed Morsi goes on trial in Egypt

Global Politics