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Hospital OR

One surgeon suggests health care decisions in America are too often dictated by money

The World

Doctors reject Medicare as millions of baby boomers enter the system

Republicans propose budget that Democrats say amounts to a broken promise

Global Politics

Republicans signal willingness to compromise on payroll tax cut extension

Global Politics

As unemployment benefits claims decline, disability claims rise

Global Politics

More than three million more people are now collecting Social Security payments because of disability then were in 2007. A new report from the Obama administration and others suggests that as people lose unemployment benefits, they’re going after disability benefits.

Public gets mixed messages regarding efficacy of Avastin for treating breast cancer

Health & Medicine

Late last week, the FDA ruled that Avastin could no longer be marketed as treatment for breast cancer. But Medicare and virtually all private insurance providers will continue to pay for just that use of the drug. It’s a mixed message that has raised some eyebrows.

Reports: Deficit super committee fails to reach agreement

Global Politics

The Super Committee in Congress was supposed to rise above the partisan divide and find a way forward for the necessary deficit reduction in Congress, but now signs indicate that the group of 12 senators and representatives have failed.

Deadline looms for Super Committee action on federal deficit, budget (with video)

Global Politics

With a mandate to implement $1.2 trillion in budget cuts or new revenue by next Wednesday, signs are emerging that the Congressional Super Committee may try to punt its responsibility to other committees.

Social Security on the table in debt limit talks

Global Politics

President Obama puts entitlement reform on the table in debt ceiling talks, Democrats say they were caught completely off-guard.