Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency

RBG memorial at Capitol

Ruth Bader Ginsburg left behind a powerful environmental legacy


In addition to championing women’s rights, late US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took a strong and sophisticated stand on protecting nature and the climate.

Kavanaugh 2006

What would a Justice Kavanaugh mean for the environment?


U.S. Clean Air Act is back in court

The World

SCOTUS Rules On Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Conflict & Justice
The World

High Court Considers Climate Change

The U.S. Government Starts Regulating Global Warming Gases

The first of EPA’s new rules to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant went into effect Jan 2nd. The regulations will mean a huge reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the US but some states like Texas claim EPA rules infringe states’ rights.

The World

Will Historic Climate Ruling Bring Action?

It’s been three months since the US Supreme Court decided that the government can regulate global warming pollution from autos. So why hasn’t Washington done anything about it?

The World

Court Catalyzes Climate Action

The Supreme Court’s ruling on global warming is already sending shock waves through the courts, Congress, and corporate boardrooms.

Bench Press

In a landmark decision on climate change, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency cannot shirk its authority to regulate CO2 emissions from vehicles.

States Sue on Global Warming

The U.S. EPA says it has no authority to regulate greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. But a case in federal court could change that. Washington correspondent Jeff Young says that could bring some big changes in the energy industry.