Marine protected area

Jacqueline Evans

A conservationist helped protect the Cook Islands from overfishing, and won a Goldman Environmental Prize


Over 99% of the tiny Cook Islands territory in the South Pacific is ocean, and home to coral reefs and many threatened marine species. Now, thanks in part to activist Jacqueline Evans, the Cook Islands’ entire ocean territory is being managed for sustainability.

The Ross Sea in Western Antarctica, the site of the new marine protected area, is famous for its emperor penguins.

Negotiators from 25 major countries have created the world’s largest marine reserve

The Hawaiian population of Bluefin Trevally has been threatened by rapid decimation due to overfishing.

Environmentalists herald the beginnings of a race to protect the world’s oceans

Kirbati fishing

Rogue fishermen beware: Big Brother is watching you

Elkhorn coral

Coral off the coast of Cuba is flourishing — a rare glimmer of hope for this threatened ecosystem


The World’s Largest Water Park

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown considers turning 221,000 square miles in the Indian Ocean into a pristine marine sanctuary.

The World

Marine Sanctuaries

President Clinton is hoping to extend protection of America’s waters before he leaves office. Right now, there are thirteen designated marine sanctuaries. That’s less than one percent of the nation’s waters. As Jennifer Niessen from KPLU in Seattle reports, the President is calling for a broad system of marine protected areas.