
The World

Work: finding a job and becoming a do-gooder

With many Americans scrambling to find work after layoffs, and millions more who will have to work longer because of losses in the stock market, we talk about whether it’s possible in today’s competitive job market to find a job that is meaningful.

The World

Looking for Work? Get a Job-Search Buddy!

The World

Despite a tough economy, some industries are still hiring

The World

Getting to ‘You’re hired’ by any means necessary

The World

Finding opportunity out of underemployment

The World

The sweet, sweet sounds of a bailout: Handel, Wagner, Charlie Parker

Arts, Culture & Media

This week we’ve been hearing a lot about giants of the American economy getting saved by the government. But the bailout isn’t just the preserve of Wall Street. In fact, musicians have long since mastered the art of getting saved from financial ruin.

The World

‘Shifting Careers’ blogger offers tips for tough economy as job options shrink

Wall Street has taken a serious beating. Not only is the economy up for grabs, but jobs are too, especially for anyone working in the financial sector. The Takeaway offers tips from Marci Alboher, who writes the New York Times’ ‘Shifting Careers’ blog.

The World

Sorting out the Texas polygyny case

Lifestyle & Belief

Professor Marci Hamilton, of Cardozo School of Law, gives a blueprint of the strategies being pursued by the police and prosecutors in Texas against members of a polygamist sect.