Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Why do we depend on 1960s technology to locate missing planes?


Investigators trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Malaysia Airlines’ Flight 370 are hoping to locate one particular vital clue — the plane’s flight data and cockpit voice recorders, commonly referred to as “black boxes.” But airlines’ continued use of the aging technology brings up questions of its own.Investigators trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Malaysia Airlines’ Flight 370 are hoping to locate one particular vital clue — the plane’s flight data and cockpit voice recorders, commonly referred to as “black boxes.” But airlines’ continued use of the aging technology brings up questions of its own.

2014. Britain's Inmarsat used a wave phenomenon discovered in the nineteenth century to analyse the seven pings its satellite picked up from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 to determine its final destination.The new findings led Malaysian Prime Minister Na

An oceanographer tells why it will be so tough to find missing Flight 370 in the Indian Ocean

A man comforts a family member of a passenger onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 as they wait for news from Malaysia Airlines, at the lobby of a hotel in Beijing, March 14, 2014.

Malaysian officials say they know where their missing jet went down — but it won’t end hope for families

John Young, general manager of the emergency response division of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), stands in front of a diagram showing the search area for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean, during a briefing in C

Don’t give up yet on the ‘best lead’ in the search for the Malaysia Airlines jet

Conflict & Justice

How does a jetliner go missing with all of today’s technology?


How does a jetliner go missing with all of today’s technology?


The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is nearing the end of its 10th day and investigators are no closer to solving the mystery. They may only have three more weeks before batteries die in the plane’s underwater locator devices.