Light-emitting diode

NASA Florida at night

Scientists are learning more about the adverse health effects of LEDs


Artificial lighting of all kinds can have adverse effects on wildlife and humans. As the use of LED lights increases, researchers are examining how best to limit their impact.

LED street lights

Even when it’s not the holiday season, outdoor lighting is on the rise

Man with device

Losing sleep? Blame your favorite electronic device


Inventor works to save lives in the developing world

Color-blind artist uses sounds to ‘see’ color

Health & Medicine

Wind-up lights in Africa

More than a half a billion people in Sub-Saharan Africa don’t have access to electricity, but a non-profit organization is offering its wind-up technology to turn on the lights.

The World

Russia’s Blue Bucket Brigade Tackles Corruption

Conflict & Justice

The Blue Bucket Brigade is perhaps Russia’s first grass roots anti-corruption movement. Their goal is to shame politicians into ending some of their perks.

The World

City of Lights

Arts, Culture & Media

Paris’s famed Avenue des Champs-Elysees is all lit up for the holiday season. And all its electricial needs are to be fulfilled by a solar energy farm.

Pundits Blow Whistle on Green Police

The green police bust perps for minor eco infractions in a Superbowl Ad, but environmentalists, conservatives and industry folks are not laughing.