
Catholic high school students from all over the country attended Friday's "March for Life" event in Washington, DC. This group from Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School in Wichita, Kansas took buses to be there.

For some Christians, being ‘pro-life’ isn’t just about being against abortion


Activists from the anti-abortion movement in the US are feeling energized. President Donald Trump says his administration stands with them. But some Christians are frustrated with the president’s words and actions because they see a connection between being “pro-life” and “pro-immigrant.”

einstein note

Einstein’s handwritten secrets for a happy life auctioned for $1.56 million

The World

Carla Bruni: Little French Singer

Arts, Culture & Media

Mother of deceased lead singer from Thin Lizzy discusses musician’s early life

Arts, Culture & Media

Citizen Science to Help Identify African Animals


The Early Years of Thin Lizzy Singer Phil Lynott

Arts, Culture & Media

At the Republican National Convention in August, Vice-Presidential nominee Paul Ryan took to the stage to the strains Thin Lizzy’s The Boys Are Back in Town. The lead singer of the Irish rock band, Phil Lynott, died in 1986 after abusing heroin. But his mother, Philomena Lynott, said her son would not have endorsed the […]

Video: Filming Underwater ‘Icicles of Death’ in Antarctica


A BBC documentary called the “Frozen Planet,” features something called underwater ‘brinicles’. Producer Kathryn Jeffs describes how the team filmed underwater icicles nicknamed “brinicles of death” because they instantly freeze and kill marine life.

Climbing to the Canopy

Forest canopies are home to countless species of plants, insects, and animals, many of them as yet undiscovered by humans. Canopy botanist Margaret Lowman who calls herself an arbonaut,” has spent twenty years climbing through the trees in forests across the planet. Dr. Lowman talks to host Steve Curwood about her experiences, which are documented […]

The World

Remembering civil rights photojournalist, Charles Moore

Arts, Culture & Media

We remember photographer Charles Moore, who made his name taking iconic Civil Rights photographs down south during the 1960’s. He died on Thursday at the age of 79.

The World

Filming your world: a global video competition


What is the one thing about your life and surroundings that you want the whole world to know about? The BBC World Service is running a video competition called ‘MyWorld’ that asks people to send in a two-minute video of the world from their perspective.