Kyoto Protocol

Young climate change activists sit with activist Greta Thunberg in a huddle at the climate talks in Madrid.

Marathon climate talks in Madrid end with disappointment

Climate Change

On Dec. 15, after two marathon overnight negotiating sessions took the COP25 climate talks nearly 48 hours past their original Friday deadline, the conference adjourned without much to show for it.

UN Climate Secretariat meets with renewed sense of urgency


Climate talks in Poland


Obama’s Climate Plan: Looking Beyond Washington

Conflict & Justice

Top of the Hour: Canada Withdraws From Kyoto Protocol, Morning Headlines

Durban Climate Conference

A Groundbreaking Deal at the Durban Climate Summit commits the US, China, and 192 other nations to the same legal regime to limit greenhouse gas emissions, starting in 2020. Details are to be negotiated by 2015.

Assessing the UN Climate Change Conference

It’s the second day of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. For the next two weeks, delegates from 194 nations will meet in Durban, South Africa to discuss the future of international climate change legislation.  But amid such concerns as the looming expiration of the Kyoto Protocol, a perennial question emerges: Why have actions […]

The World

Bonn Climate Change Talks

Living On Earth’s Jesse Wegman wraps up his report from Bonn, Germany, at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change. Some delegates from the 170 nations represented were frustrated at the failure of the United States to commit to ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, and there was talk that perhaps the rest of the world […]

Climate Change Talks

Living On Earth’s Jesse Wegman talks with host Steve Curwood about the latest United Nation’s Conference on Climate Change held in Bonn, Germany last week — and how the negotiations might impact the chance for ratification of the Kyoto Protocol next year.

Climate Change I: U.S. Dawdles

Host Steve Curwood talks with Alden Meyer, director of government affairs for the Union of Concerned Scientists, about next week’s climate change talks in Bonn, Germany. The current plan is to finalize the Kyoto Protocol by the end of 2000; but many countries are concerned that, by taking its time ratifying the protocol, the United […]