Kenneth Feinberg

Who Pays? Compensating Victims of Terrorism

Conflict & Justice

Following the Boston marathon bombings, The One Fund Boston was set up to collect donations for the victims and their families. In other parts of the world, victim compensation is the responsibility of the government.

Should Penn State Set Up a Victims’ Compensation Fund?

Kenneth Feinberg on Gulf Coast Claims Process, One Year After Spill


Ken Feinberg on Gulf Spill Claimants’ Complaints

The World

Caught in red tape, Gulf Coast claims should soon be addressed

Conflict & Justice
The World

Ken Feinberg’s curriculum vitae

Conflict & Justice

Kenneth Feinberg’s history of mediation made him a logical choice to administer the $20 billion escrow fund for victims of BP’s oil spill. New York Times finance reporter Louise Story has been following Feinberg’s career for some time.

The World

Ted Kennedy’s Former Chief of Staff Remembers

Conflict & Justice

Ken Feinberg, former chief of staff for Senator Ted Kennedy, joins The Takeaway to remember Kennedy’s presidential aspirations, legislative record, and personal approach to politics.

The World

The Pay Czar: Setting the Pay Scale for Executives

Global Politics

To talk about criticism of outlandish executive pay and Secretary Geithner’s new ?pay czar’ position, The Takeaway is joined by Nell Minow, co-founder of a think-tank that studies executive pay, and Peter Morici of the Smith School of Business.

The World

Here’s Looking at You, AIG! Obama Picks a Pay Czar

Conflict & Justice

The Obama administration is poised to announce a new set of regulations on executive compensation. They are also nominating a so-called Pay Czar to monitor executive compensation. Louise Story, reporter for The New York Times, joins The Takeaway.