Michele Mattana of Sardinia, Italy, poses with an iPhone 6 Plus and an iPhone 6 on the first day of sales at the Fifth Avenue store in Manhattan on September 19, 2014.

Some customers are bent out of shape after Apple’s big iPhone launch


Within days of launching the iPhone 6, Apple faced major problems with updates to iOS and claims that its new phones were bending in the pockets of users. Apple is downplaying the reports, but does the raft of problems mean people might think twice about buying the new phone?

Facebook has been linked to problems with iPhone battery life.

iPhone won’t stay charged? Blame Facebook

Global Scan

‘Apple picking’ raises big concerns for Apple product owners


In the wake of iPhone 5, is Apple’s mystique causing it as much trouble as benefit?


Steve Jobs book generating massive buzz for author Walter Isaacson


What soft power looks like: US influence in Indonesia

The US created a multimillion dollar space for people under 30 in Jakarta’s upscale Pacific Place mall in an effort to extend its influence in Indonesia.

Tributes to Apple co-founder, innovator Steve Jobs


Heads of state, business and technology leaders, and throngs of consumers, who were touched by his products, are paying tribute to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who died Wednesday at age 56.

Coming soon from Apple: iTV


Apple is aggressively courting broadcast and cable networks, and revamping iTunes for its new television venture.

An app that identifies trees


The LeafSnap app allows users to take pictures of leaves and upload them in order to identify different species of trees.

Podcast: The Way-C Tablet Designed in Africa

Technology Podcast 359: As people line-up worldwide for the new iPad, we’ll tell you about the Way-C, a tablet computer designed in Africa.