International public opinion on the war in Afghanistan

Barack Obama Pledges to ‘Finish the Job’ in Afghanistan

Global Politics

US President Barack Obama addressed the US public in a prime-time speech from Afghanistan, on the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death.

Top of the Hour: Obama Administration Plans to Speed Up Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Morning Headlines

The World

10 Years and billions of dollars later, vets say Afghanistan not worth the cost

Top of the Hour: Obama’s ‘Mission Accomplished Moment?’, Morning Headlines

If U.S. Troops Leave Afghanistan, Who Are Our Enemies?

Top of the Hour: Obama Will Lay Out Time Table for Troop Withdrawal, Morning Headlines

President Obama will speak about his plan for withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan tonight. Our partner, The New York Times, reports that all 30,000 soldiers deployed to Afghanistan last year will be home by the end of the year. Other reports cite senior defense officials as saying that number will be closer to 10,000, with […]

The World

Afghan View of US troop withdrawal

Global Politics

What Afghans think of the plan to start withdrawing the “surge” troops?

The World

Administration readies review of Afghanistan War

Conflict & Justice

A review of the Afghanistan strategy is due to be released sometime in early December. Here to help us assess what that review could tell us is David Loyn, foreign correspondent for the BBC.

The World

Afghanistan: Obama’s Vietnam?

Arts, Culture & Media

The Takeaway is joined by Peter Baker, White House correspondent for The New York Times, to talk about similarities between the continued war in Afghanistan and other ill-defined conflicts in America’s past.

The World

Aid Agencies in Afghanistan See Cause for Concern

Western aid agencies are worried that more troops in Afghanistan will lead to more civilian casualties. Matt Waldman, head of policy at Oxfam International, Afghanistan, joins The Takeaway to explain the concerns.