Institutional investors

Insurance industry looking at revising rates to reflect changing climate


With major natural disasters coming more often, the insurance industry is looking at how it needs to change its rates and formulas account for this new volatility. It’s just one more reflection of changing climates.

FEMA Releases New Flood Insurance Maps for New Jersey

Insuring for Climate Change

Top of the Hour: NYPD Spy Program, Morning Headlines

Top of the Hour: Major Rise in Health Insurance Costs, Headlines

Why Insurance Companies Aren’t Worried About Irene

Tropical Storm Irene recently stormed across the northeastern United States, leaving somewhere billions of dollars in damages in its wake. But it won’t be insurance companies footing the bill – most likely, it’ll be taxpayers. This is partly due to the fact that most people that the storm affected don’t have insurance that covers floods, […]

Is this the Year for Catastrophe Bonds?

It’s been a bad year for insurance companies as they could face as much as $10 billion from weather-related losses this year alone from severe tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. But what does this mean for the catastrophe bond market? Louise Story, Wall Street and finance reporter for The New York Times explains.

The World

States Lure Insurance Companies Through Looser Regulations

Conflict & Justice

A number of states have begun luring insurance giants back by allowing them to establish “captive” subsidiaries – risk management systems that allow companies to invest and reinsure without as much capital backing. Louise Story joins us for more.

Revolutionary spirit

This was a demonstration we came across in downtown Cairo in front of a state insurance company. Managers and employees were on strike, demanding back pay from executives who they say had basically raided the company cash register […]

The World

Stormy Trends: Is Weather Getting Uninsurable?

Insurance companies have suffered record losses in recent years as a rash of severe storms have swept the planet. Some insurers are getting involved in the debate on human induced climate change, and may call on national governments to take preventive action. John Keefe files this report.