
British Beekeepers Warned Asian Hornets are Coming

Beekeepers in England, Scotland and Wales are on alert for an invasion of Asian Hornets. Tim Lovett of the British Beekeepers Association predicts a small number of aggressive Asian Hornets will soon cross the English Channel.

Trio of U.S. researchers traveling the world, documenting ants

The World

Science Note: Best To Be Eaten

Close-Up Photos of Ants Show Species Diversity

Arts, Culture & Media

Radio Tags to Help Wood Ant Research


What’s The Buzz? Conservationists Reintroduce Short-Haired Bumblebees to UK


Short-haired bumblebees are being re-introduced to the UK after having disappeared for nearly 25 years.

The World

Note on Emerging Science / Ants’ Social Immunity

By tending to infected nestmates, ants protect the entire colony from disease.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Voodoo Wasps

Their venom can turn other insects into zombies, and a group of scientists wants to harness that power  ? perhaps for an alternative to agrochemicals or a way to slow insect-borne disease.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Bees

Bees’ dancing shows scientists the secrets of making the Internet better.

The World

Busy Bees

Most people probably aren’t aware that the honeybee is not native to the United States. But we do have about 4,000 native species of bees. And a group of researchers is out to convince farmers that providing habitat for them would reap economic benefit. Robin White reports from northern California.