The Showtime drama Homeland follows a CIA agent hot on the trail of a suspected al Qaeda-like mole. The show recently picked up four Emmys, now, the show is making waves for something else: worst portrayal of Beirut, according to the Lebanese government.
In the world of TV, the shorthand for character development frequently comes down to good versus evil. On the good side is us. On the bad side is them. But one series has been acclaimed for blurring those lines: “Homeland,” on Showtime, which cleaned up at last month’s Emmys. “Homeland” focuses on Carrie Mathison, a […]
From a car horn symphony, to an artist residency with NASA, to Tuvan throat-singing, the performance artist Laurie Anderson has no boundaries when it comes to making music. Now, with four decades of composing and performing behind her, Anderson tells Kurt about her new album Homeland, her first in nearly ten years.