In the classic television show “The Jetsons,” father George brought his kids to school in tiny capsules in the year 2062. Soon, we might be able to travel via capsule, too. Packed commuter trains could very well be replaced with sleek and small capsules traveling through a network of low grade vacuum tubes. It sounds […]
A year ago President Obama announced his plans for high speed rail lines and other cutting edge transportation for the nation. But after many defeats in Congress, including the de-funding of high-speed rail, the President’s transportation initiative suddenly seems less futuristic and more focused on rebuilding the old highways of the past. To answer where […]
Nearly 150 years ago America built the first transcontinental railroad, and 10,000 Chinese laborers used pickaxes to cut tunnels/rail-lines for just $30 per month. Now, President Obama is promoting high-speed rail, and the Chinese are again involved.