
Asian tourists at Lavender by the Bay farm on Long Island

Why this New York lavender farm is a huge draw for Asian tourists

Lifestyle & Belief

Something’s blooming on Long Island: lavender. Serge Rosenbaum’s family farm, Lavender by the Bay, boasts some 60,000 plants, and they are in full flower right now. And that’s drawing a lot of visitors, especially from Asia.

Asian tourists at Lavender by the Bay farm on Long Island

Why this New York lavender farm is a huge draw for Asian tourists

Lifestyle & Belief
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Dandy Dandelions

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Emerging Science Note/Herbs Under Wraps

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Emerging Science Note/Herbs Under Wraps

Living on Earth’s Cynthia Graber reports that basil-infused plastic wrap might help keep food fresh longer.

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Department A/Health Note

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on research into the ginseng berry, and how it might help fight diabetes and obesity.

Health Note: Herbal Tea

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