
Palamagamba Kabudi, Tanzania's Foreign Minister receives a package from his Madagascar counterpart Tehindrazanarivelo Djacoba of the COVID Organics

Madagascar defends coronavirus herbal remedy 

Health & Medicine

African traditional healers aren’t alone in looking to local herbs for treating illnesses.

The World

Botanical Books

The World

Herb Abuse!

The World

Herb Abuse!

The World

Emerging Science Note/Herbs Under Wraps

The World

Emerging Science Note/Herbs Under Wraps

Living on Earth’s Cynthia Graber reports that basil-infused plastic wrap might help keep food fresh longer.

The World

Hawaiian Awa

Kava is one of the top selling herbal supplements in the world. Known for its calming qualities, kava’s roots can be traced to the South Pacific Islands, where it was used for medicinal purposes and in ceremonial gatherings. In Hawaii, kava is more commonly known as awa (ah-va). As Heidi Chang reports, the plant is […]