Henry Paulson

Wall Street Bailout Bill 101

The best-case and worst-case scenarios for the Wall Street rescue bill recently signed into law by President Bush.

Real-world implications of bailing out Fannie and Freddie

The World

Takeouts: Toyota sends parts, drug violence in Mexico continues, Henry Paulson’s memoir

The World

Expanded bailout plan aims to help out little guys

Global Politics
The World

An orderly bankruptcy may be in the works

Global Politics
The World

Next group to be bailed out? Consumers

Global Politics

Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said yesterday he would do whatever it takes to lift the economy. This latest rescue move is the first time both the Treasury and Fed have teamed up to lend a helping hand directly to consumers.

The World

Uncle Sam makes a big new investment

Global Politics

Following Treasury Secretary Paulson’s announcement of a $250 billion infusion into the nation’s banks yesterday, the market closed down slightly. To discuss new plans and provisions for the financial system, Mark Landler of the New York Times joins us.

The World

After bailout bill fails, Treasury Secretary Paulson goes back to drawing board

Global Politics

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson came into office two years ago with plans to remake the U.S. economy. Instead he’s become enmeshed historic government interventions in the economy — including yesterday’s failed $700 billion dollar bailout proposal.

The World

Q&A with Rep. Barney Frank on the $700 billion bailout proposal

Global Politics

For an update on how the $700 billion bailout package is playing out on the Hill, The Takeaway turns to Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, U.S Representative Barney Frank, who answered your questions.

The World

Your responses: asking for $700 billion with a straight face

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has asked Americans for $700 billion to bailout financial institutions. This morning The Takeaway asked listeners and readers how they would ask for that much money. How would you ask for $700 billion?