Healthcare in Canada

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren each stand at their podiums on the debate stage

Is Canada’s health care system a cure-all?


US leaders frequently point to Canada’s health care system as a solution for America’s expensive private insurance model. But is it?

Lessons from universal health care

Doctors Debate the Individual Mandate

The World

Health care changes go into effect today

Conflict & Justice
The World

From the waiting room: eight hours vs. one hour

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Health care reform jumps major hurdle in senate

Conflict & Justice

The Takeaway discusses the merits and shortcomings of the health care reform bill with Harvard professor Theda Skocpol. Hanging over the discussion, a larger question looms: is there a problem with the mechanics of how a bill becomes a law?

The World

Takeout: health care debate heats up

Global Politics

Our Washington correspondent, Todd Zwillich, joins us to do some fact checking on health care reform and Medicare-cost claims from both sides of the Congressional aisle.

The World

Deciphering the Health Care Numbers

Conflict & Justice

A large part of the health care debate is about the numbers. To help figure out what health care would cost for both the average citizen and the U.S. government, The Takeaway talks to David Herzenhorn, congressional reporter for The New York Times.

The World

The Low Cost of High Quality Health Care

Global Politics

President Obama’s health care reform seeks to cut costs but keep quality care. The Takeaway turns to Elliott Fisher, professor and director Dartmouth’s Center for Health Policy Research, who thinks low cost and high quality are not mutually exclusive.

The World

Making doctor recruitment a crime

Health & Medicine

Many African nations are experiencing a medical brain drain, thousands of their doctors and nurses are actively recruited to leave and work in the West; Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Dr. Edward Mills