Great white shark

Great White shark

The great white shark is a ‘knight in white and silver satin’


Despite its reputation as a terrible killer, the beautiful and charismatic great white shark is less of a threat to you than your own toaster.

An Ecuadorean stray named Arthur who won the hearts of millions after he adopted a team of Swedish trekkers.

Shaggy dogs, sexy sharks, boozy birds — it’s the top animal stories of 2014

Great White Shark Lydia being tagged off the coast of Florida on March 2, 2013.

Why this Great White Shark has fans and followers around the world

An Instagram photo of a great white shark by Michael Muller.

Shark photographer Michael Muller goes uncaged to capture the best photos


A Great White Shark makes a transatlantic crossing — and you can follow along

The World

South Africa Shark Spotters

Cape Town has a unique shark alert system: a team of lookouts who sound warnings to swimmers when great whites are in the water.

The World

South Africa Shark Spotters

Cape Town has a unique shark alert system: a team of lookouts who sound warnings to swimmers when great whites are in the water.