Gray wolf


Proposed wolf cull has Swedish animal rights activists howling


A proposal to hunt wolves in Sweden has some up in arms.

Aided by reintroduction programs and changing public attitudes, wolves are making a comeback in the rural American West. On Isle Royale, however, they’re in a steep decline and unlikely to recover.

The world’s longest animal population study has bad news for wolves

Karakachan dogs

US researchers hope more assertive, foreign dog breeds can protect livestock from wolves and bears

A pair of gray wolves in an undated file photo that were moved from the Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, wolf refuge, to a new refuge in northern New Jersey.

How success saving the gray wolf may backfire on environmentalists


Eternity of Eagles

Scientists turn to dogs to track, protect endangered animals


Tracking endangered animals is a tough task. But some scientists from Washington state have an unlikely ally in highly trained, and hyper-active, dogs. The animals smell out skat, which the scientists can then analyze to make determinations about the health of a species in a given area.

Declining moose population in upper Midwest may be due to climate change


In the last 20 years, the moose population in the northern Midwest has declined. Researchers believe this may be due to climate change and warmer temperatures as well as an increase in the number of predators to moose.

Eternity of Eagles

Stephen Bodio is a naturalist, falconer, and writer whose travels have taken him all around the world. During the 90s, he lived with Kazakh tribes of central Asia, who use eagles to hunt wolves. Bodio discusses his new book—a compendium on all things eagle—with host, Steve Curwood.

The Wolves of Isle Royale

Steve Curwood speaks with biologist, photographer and author Dr. Rolf Peterson about his research and recent book The Wolves of Isle Royale: A Broken Balance. Moose are also prominent on the island and in Peterson’s research.

The World

Downgrading Wolf Protections

Commentator Robert Braille considers the recent controversies over downgrading protections for wolves.