

Russians get their goats to circumvent European cheese blockade

Global Politics

One thousand French goats have found a new home in Russia’s Ural mountains as a local company bets on producing European-style cheeses no longer available for import.

In Venezuela, you can’t even die without running into a shortage

Global Scan

That goat may be a whole lot smarter than it looks


That goat may be a whole lot smarter than it looks


Outbreak of rare disease in the Netherlands

Health & Medicine

Test tube sheep save endangered species

The SVF Foundation farm in Newport, Rhode Island, freezes animal embryos to save endangered heritage species from extinction.

Gary the Goat Gets Day in Court

Conflict & Justice

A magistrate in Australia has dismissed charges against a goat named Gary. The goat was booked by Sydney police for eating flowers outside a museum.

Goat Accents

One bleat is not like the other. Scientists discover that goat kids develop accents!

Who Knew? Goats Have Accents Too


A new study by British scientists shows that baby goats develop different “accents” depending on the groups they associate with.

How to Keep Your Animals Cool in the Heatwave

It’s hard enough for humans to keep cool with the heat wave currently hitting much of the central and eastern parts of the nation. But what about the country’s animals and livestock? A report from Iowa yesterday said that more than 100 cattle  may have died near the Minnesota state line from heat-related issues. Today, with […]