Forced disappearance

Sad looking children at a cafeteria table

Finding Ukraine’s stolen children and bringing perpetrators to justice: lessons from Argentina

Hundreds of children were stolen from their parents during the dictatorship in Argentina, but over the years, some have been reunited with their families.

A woman weeps while holding a picture of her dead son, with a hand to her cheek, and eyes closed.

The stuff of life and death: Part I

Critical State
Aurora Zucco de Bellocchio, a member of human rights organization Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Mothers of Plaza de Mayo), sits behind a pram with a picture of her daughter Irene Bellocchio and her partner Rolando Pisoni, who both disappeared in 1977, during t

How an American scientist helps grandmothers in Argentina find their ‘stolen’ grandchildren

Estela de Carlotto, president of human rights organization Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo)

A grandmother in Argentina finds her grandson after nearly 40 years

Estela de Carlotto, president of human rights organization Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo)

A grandmother in Argentina finds her grandson after nearly 40 years

Actress Sissy Spacek and director Costa Gavras talk before the start of the Charles Horman Truth Project 2002 Human Rights Awards in New York City. Gavras directed and Spacek starred in the film "Missing."

American journalist Charles Horman was murdered with the help of the US government, a Chilean court finds

Conflict & Justice

The 40-year-old murder of journalist Charles Horman inspired the Oscar-winning film “Missing.” Now, a court in Chile has ruled American intelligence services aided in his execution.

Actress Sissy Spacek and director Costa Gavras talk before the start of the Charles Horman Truth Project 2002 Human Rights Awards in New York City. Gavras directed and Spacek starred in the film "Missing."

American journalist Charles Horman was murdered with the help of the US government, a Chilean court finds

Conflict & Justice

The 40-year-old murder of journalist Charles Horman inspired the Oscar-winning film “Missing.” Now, a court in Chile has ruled American intelligence services aided in his execution.

The Disappeared, and Those Waiting

On February 17, 2011, Victor Rolon’s life changed forever. His nephew, police officer Adrian Dominguez Rolon, disappeared, along with a fellow officer. His story has become all too common in Mexico, where 26,000 people have gone missing in the past six years. The disappearances are linked to the enormous surge in violence since the government […]

The World

Crusading Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón on Trial

Conflict & Justice

The Spanish judge known for indicting the former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet, is on trial over his own handling of a corruption investigation.

Chile Seeks Ray Davis Extradition Over 1973 Coup Murder

Conflict & Justice

A judge in Chile has indicted a former US military officer in a murder case that inspired the 1982 Oscar-winning movie “Missing.” We talk with Joyce Horman, the widow of slain American journalist Charles Horman.