Food desert

Finding healthy foods in a food desert

Health & Medicine

Many Americans can’t shop at Whole Foods or a local co-op, either because it’s too expensive or too far away. But there are still ways to eat healthy.

Closing the health food gap

Wendell Pierce of ‘The Wire’ and ‘Treme’ Hopes Groceries Can Revitalize New Orleans

Food Deserts: A Mirage or Reality?

The World

Food Deserts

The World

Food Deserts

Efforts are underway in New York City to bring fresh and affordable food to under-served neighborhoods.

The World

Closing the Health Food Gap in Low-Income Neighborhoods


Many low-income neighborhoods in the United States lack access to fresh and affordable fruits and vegetables. In New York City, a number of programs are working to close the food gap by bringing healthy foods close to home. On Living on Earth.