
Poop from the rhinoceros beetle makes for cleaner fertilizer. 

This Colombian company is trying to convince farmers to use beetle poop fertilizer

Climate Change

Human-made fertilizers boost crop production, making it easier to feed more people with the same land. But chemical fertilizers made from ammonia and other chemicals can cause pollution. Beetle poop is cleaner and helps farmers reduce their carbon footprint.

Dogs by creek

A message for dog owners enjoying the great outdoors: Leave no poop behind


Scientists turn to dogs to track, protect endangered animals


How manure can save humanity

The World

Manure Magic

Pure Poo-etry

The scoop on how to turn sheep poop into paper.

The World

Science Note: Recycling Manure

Pigs in Missouri are getting into the recycling game. With a little help from a new pressure-cooker-like device, their waste is turning into bio-oil.

The World

Manure Magic

Harvesting methane gas from livestock farms smells good to the renewable energy market.


A Canadian scientist reduces pollution with a genetically modified pig.

The World

The Secret Life of Lead

Scientists are testing meconium, babies’ first stools, to try to assess how much lead transfers from pregnant mothers to their fetuses. Cynthia Graber reports this latest installment of the Living on Earth series, “The Secret Life of Lead.”