Evolutionary biology

People line up outside a hospital.

There’s a way for modern medicine to cure diseases even when the treatments aren’t profitable

Health & Medicine

While private companies have little incentive to treat and cure many diseases, nonprofits have the potential to save lives by providing valuable funding to help society’s most vulnerable people.

A computer model of a bacteriophage, which looks like a robot bug.

Are viruses the best weapon for fighting superbugs?

Health & Medicine

Charles Darwin’s ‘tree of life’ gets a new look

toy dinosaurs on a yellow background

What makes some species more likely to go extinct?


Spencer Wells

Arts, Culture & Media
A drummer performs during a celebration of Sahrul, a festival of flowers, in Ranchi, India. Recently, the findings were released from a study that played snippets of songs from 86 small remote societies to online listeners in 60 countries to see if shares

New findings explore the universality of music, features that are recognizable across cultures


Take away the words and familiar instruments. Would you still be able to identify a type of song just by the melody or rhythm of a song?

A modern human skull (left) and a Neanderthal skull (right) at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

Neanderthals went extinct, but many of us still carry around fragments of their DNA


“Everybody whose genetic roots are outside Africa are partly descended from Neanderthals,” one geneticist says.

Dino snout

Scientists roll back evolution by turning a chick’s beak into a ‘dino-snout’


Scientists believe today’s birds descended from dinosaurs. Paleontologists dig up new fossils every few months that confirm this theory. Now, there’s a new piece of evidence from experiments with a chicken embryo.

California takes a cue from Europe and considers tough rules to limit the spread of antibiotic-resistant bugs

Health & Medicine

A California bill modeled on European laws would impose the toughest restrictions in the US on the use of antibiotics in farm animals.A California bill modeled on European laws would impose the toughest restrictions in the US on the use of antibiotics in farm animals.

Should we be worried about antibiotic resistance?

Health & Medicine

Antibiotics are as essential to medicine these days as bandages. But there may come a day when germs become resistant to all of our antibiotics. And that day may be coming sooner than we think.