Ethnic conflict

A group of men stand in a row in green grass under a blue sky.

It’s time for the US to rethink Huntington’s philosophy: Part II

Critical State

It would no doubt be a bitter irony for Sam Huntington that his main idea on a “clash of civilizations” has been taken up with such gusto by ISIS: The idea of conflict between a single Islamic civilization and a single Western civilization is a key tenet of ISIS thinking.

A Kosovo police officer crosses the bridge that connects north and south Mitrovica. The Ibar River serves as a natural divider in Mitrovica, where Serbs live on the northern side of the river and Albanians on the southern side.

There is one place where Serbs and Albanians coexist in Kosovo — in the country’s version of Costco

Overlooking the camps for Somalis displaced by ethnic violence in the lee of the Kolenchi hills in the Somali region.

Social media users in America are stoking Ethiopia’s ethnic violence


‘To the Best of Our Knowledge: Clash of Civilizations’

Global Politics