
Fingers type on a laptop keyboard

Email’s death grip is strangling us, says computer scientist

Are we doing our work, or just talking about it?

A Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) school bus yard is reflected in a mirror in the North Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles,

A bomb threat complicates lives in LA, where the typical parent isn’t a ‘soccer mom or dad driving a Volvo’

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a C-17 military aircraft from Malta bound for Tripoli, Libya October 18, 2011.

The perils of conducting public diplomacy on private email


Email Services Defy Government Orders, Close Doors in Response to Spying

Technology’s Changing Role Within Courtship & Weddings

U.S. Postal Service proposing to slow down delivery of first class mail

Global Politics

The U.S. Post Office unveiled a set of proposals Monday that would see the delivery time for most First Class Mail rise from one to two days to two to three days in an effort to reduce the quasi-governmental agency’s ballooning deficits.

Looking at the @ sign

Arts, Culture & Media

The @ sign, the only preposition on the keyboard, dates back to the middle ages, but has found new life in the internet age.

Sony Playstation Security Breach


Personal information from Playstation’s 77 million users may have been hacked.

Google makes ambitious play with Wave app


With its new Wave app, Google attempts to create a single replacement for email, instant messaging and document sharing.

When We Wrote Letters

Seems there was a time, not that long ago, when everyone ran to the mailbox, knowing there might be something special waiting for them inside. That time, however, has gradually been coming to an end, as more of us rely on email, texting, and Skype to communicate. It’s a reality that even the U.S. Postal […]