Eastern Orthodoxy

The Kyiv Pesherska Lavra, the Monastery of the Caves, in Kyiv, Ukraine, ornate cathedral, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it’s the heart of Ukrainian Orthodoxy.

Divisions among Orthodox church communities widen amid war in Ukraine


This month, the Ukrainian government issued an eviction notice to clergy at Pecherska Lavra, where some Orthodox Christians may still have close ties with Russia.

Man in red robe surrounded by men on both sides in yellow robes.

Why a centuries-old religious dispute over Ukraine’s Orthodox Church matters today


Bulgaria chooses new religious leader — with complex past

Lifestyle & Belief

Russia introduces mandatory religion class for all 4th graders

Lifestyle & Belief

Russian Orthodox Church stakes out assertive role on social issues

Lifestyle & Belief

Russian band Pussy Riot, convicted of hooliganism, given two-year sentences

Global Politics

Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Yekaterina Samutsevich will spend the next two years in prison after a Russian judge determined they had offended the sensibilities of religious people with an anti-Vladimir Putin protest performance in an Orthodox Cathedral.

In post-Soviet Russia, a quest to define national identity

Global Politics

Despite it being 20 years since the Soviet Union came apart, Russia is still struggling to determine what it means to be Russian — what the nations values really are.

A Visit to Zograf Monastery at Mount Athos

There’s an autonomous region in Greece that’s home to the “Holy Mountain.” It’s one of the holiest sites for Orthodox Christians. About 2,000 monks live there. But anyone can visit, as long as they’re male […]

Anxiety Filled Moment for Afghan Bride and Groom During the Lifting of the Veil

Arts, Culture & Media

In many places around the world, the wedding season kicks off in June. And one of the key moments of the ceremony is the lifting of the veil, a custom that dates back to an ancient ritual when the bride is presented to the groom for his approval.

Russia’s New Required Religion Class for 4th Graders

Conflict & Justice

This year Russia required fourth graders across the country to take a religion class. There are six choices: Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, secular ethics or world religions.