
Marking Earth Day with look-back at where it started


Earth Day is today — a history that goes back some 43 years. It all started with an article in a newspaper, when Denis Hayes was inspired by the words of Sen. Gaylord Nelson. The two worked together to coordinate the first Earth Day, in 1970.

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The History of Memorial Day

Cuts to Environmental Education

The Other Earth Day

Buy Nothing Day

One man’s answer to the holiday shopping crunch: just don’t do it. A Vancouver, British Columbia based group is touting a new celebration for the holiday season called Buy Nothing Day, and it falls on the day after Thanksgiving, traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year. Steve Curwood talks with Kalle Lasn (CALL-ay LAW-sen) […]

40 Years Later

Living on Earth listeners share their thoughts on Earth Day at 40.

Earth Day Kids

Earthday Reflections

Host Steve Curwood offers some perspective on the 30th anniversary of Earth Day as well as the 10th year of Living On Earth.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about the vernal equinox, including why we have more than 12 hours of sun on the day on which is supposed to be split evenly between daylight and darkness.