
Curry dishes at Camden Lock in London.

Should the UK leave Europe? There’s a curry angle.


Backers of the UK’s “Brexit” are hoping to drum up support by using its national dish. It’s all about the number of curry chefs and EU rules.


Across America, many Christmas menus have decidedly immigrant roots


There’s roti, and then there’s Trinidadian roti. And it’s awesome

Lifestyle & Belief
Tadashi Ono and Harris Salat

Why these two New York chefs consider curry Japanese soul food

Arts, Culture & Media

British cry foul over shortage of trained curry chefs in the U.K.

Global Politics

Slideshow: Britain’s Curry Crisis

Conflict & Justice

The World’s Laura Lynch reports on a growing restaurant crisis in Britain. New, tighter immigration rules have led to a shortage of curry chefs there. Curry is Britain’s national dish.

The World

Health Note/Curry Consumption

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a study that shows a common Indian spice might play a role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

The World

Health Note/Curry Consumption

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a study that shows a common Indian spice might play a role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

The World

Asian chillies

Lifestyle & Belief

For the Geo Quiz we set our sights on a scorching hot chilli pepper. We’re looking for the South Asian country where this hot pepper grows. How hot is it? Well, the Naga chilli pepper is said to be 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce�

The World

Geo answer

Global Politics

Today’s Geo Quiz asked for the name of the place where a key battle between the English and the French took place during the Hundred Years’ War.