Conservatism in the United States

Standing wooden crosses.

Faith and politics mix to drive evangelical Christians’ climate change denial

Climate Change

Few white evangelicals in the US say they believe in human-made climate change. This strand of science denial seems to have as much to do with conservative politics as the Bible’s teachings.

Military tanks pass by a building featuring traditional Chinese architecture.

Misusing culture in international politics: Part I

Critical State
Rush Limbaugh with Donald Trump

The power of conservative talk radio

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly pauses during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington,

The White House suggests no one should question its chief of staff


The debt debates and the Republican party brand

Global Politics
Pamela Geller is a political blogger and the founder of the “American Freedom Defense Initiative,” which is described by some as a hate group.

A Texas imam says Muslims are better off ignoring this woman’s anti-Islamic hate group — and others like it


After a “Muhammad cartoon contest” came under attack over the weekend, Texas imam Omar Suleiman is glad he and other Muslim leaders urged their followers to leave the event alone. Ignoring extremists — both the anti-Muslim crowd and radical Islamists alike — is the best policy, he says.

A solar panel on top of the Georgia Tech Aquatic Center. The battle over solar energy in the state has had national implications for the Tea Party.

The ‘green’ Tea Party fights for a more environmentally friendly GOP


Some members of the Tea Party are leading a movement to reclaim conservation as a conservative value. But their efforts to back solar power in the name of economic freedom are still far from mainstream in the conservative world.

Green conservatives gather in Texas (from left): Kip Averitt, Former Texas Republican Senator and head of the Texas Clean Energy Coalition; former South Carolina Congressman Bob Inglis; Eli Lehrer of conservative think tank R Street Institute; Debbie Dool

The ‘green conservative’ movement has some big players — and an uphill battle ahead


Groups like the Green Tea Coalition are pitching conservatives an unlikely message on conservation and clean energy: Not only is it good for the free market, it’s good for national security, too. But the movement has a lot of convincing to do, and faces opposition from well-financed opponents like the Koch brothers.

The World

Group questions Justice Scalia’s impartiality on campaign finance cases

Conflict & Justice

A year ago, the Supreme Court decided on one of the most controversial campaign finance cases in recent history. Now, a liberal group, Common Cause, has filed a petition arguing that Justices Scalia and Thomas should be taken off campaign finance cases.

The World

GOP takes House, looks to future

Global Politics

We talk with Renee Amoore, deputy chair of the Pennsylvania Republican State Committee, about Tuesday’s election and what it means for the future of the Republican party.