Computer worm

Indian state embarks on initiative to deworm school children

Health & Medicine

Intestinal parasites are a major problem for India’s school children. They make them lethargic, they contribute to missing classes and generally lower their quality of life. Now, a new initiative is seeking to deworm students around the world, to improve their economic and educational prospects.

New, wide-spread surveillance malware discovered in several Middle East countries


Twanging and Twickling with the World’s Best Worm Charmers

The World in Words

De-Worming Program Set to Launch in India

Global Politics

Cyber Security Experts Discover “Flame,” The Newest, Best Way to Spy on a Country

The World

Worms Commentary

Worms are of more than passing interest to Commentator Ruth Page, who thinks about such things at her home in Burlington, Vermont.

The World

Worm Grunters

A family in Florida makes their living serenading worms.

The World

A Wriggly Business

The secret to 87-year-old Maggie Pipkins’ success is worms  ? and lots of them.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Long Life

Scientists alter the genes of worms and double their life span, making them look and act younger.

The World

A Wriggly Business

The secret to 86-year-old Maggie Pipkins’ success is worms  ? and lots of them.