Climate change in the United States

brett kavanaugh

Kavanaugh’s track record on environmental law favors business over climate change protections


Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s strict interpretations in previous rulings on environmental law indicate he will not support strong government action on climate change.

Climate change and America’s poor

The World

SCOTUS Rules On Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Conflict & Justice
The World

Clean Air Battle Heads to Supreme Court

The World

Clean Air Act Update

A Push to Weaken Pollution Standards for Power Plants

The Bush Administration wants to loosen controls on pollution from coal-fired power plants.

The World

Word from the West

Western governors of the United States say they’ll negotiate with China and India about limiting climate changing gases since the White House won’t.

Wall Street Buys Into Climate Change

Three major investment banks have created new environmental standards for their coal plant financing clients to follow.

Freedom Car

The Bush administration recently revealed its Freedom Car Initiative, with plans to wean cars off of petroleum in the next decade. Host Steve Curwood spoke with David Garman, Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

The World

Adirondacks and Acid Rain

Brenda Tremblay reports on the effects of acid rain in the Adirondacks. The Clean Air Act of 1990 was supposed to reduce the amount of emissions causing acid rain. But the pollution continues. Currently, about five hundred of the region’s 2,800 lakes are uninhabitable for fish. A new ruling that will reduce emissions from power […]